If you don’t have colloidal oatmeal, but do have oatmeal, a regular oatmeal bath will still be very soothing. Rinse your dog thoroughly with warm water and towel off as usual. While you wait, massage and rub the oatmeal into your dog’s fur and skin. Gently rub some of the powdered oatmeal right over the itchy areas.
All natural itch relief for dogs skin#
Using a cup, pour the bathwater carefully all over your dog, focusing on the parts of their skin that are irritated. Mix in your colloidal oats and any other ingredients you choose.
All natural itch relief for dogs full#
Run a warm, but not hot bath, at least full enough that the water comes to the bottom of your dog’s stomach. You can also add 2 tablespoons of olive, coconut, or avocado oil and/or 1 cup of whole milk. T o make a colloidal oatmeal bath, use 1/3 cup oats for small dogs and ½ cup for large dogs, with extra for applying to the skin. One great thing about this remedy is that it’s non-toxic, so it’s ok if your dog licks some of the oatmeal. Colloidal oatmeal is anti-inflammatory, and regular baths can help with itchiness. Mixing colloidal oatmeal with warm water and applying it to your dog’s skin in a bath, helps to clean the fur of trapped dust and other particles, and will soothe your dog’s itchy skin.

Once you’ve eliminated obvious causes, like fleas or other skin parasites, it’s time to consider other causes. While true food allergies in dogs are fairly rare, changing your dog’s diet to a more nutritional one will help with allergies to other things. Many of the common causes of skin itchiness in dogs are environmental, like fleas or seasonal allergies. While a vet visit might be needed for severe itching, mild to moderate cases can likely be treated and solved on your own. Itchiness is often paired with dry, irritated skin and a miserable pooch. Whether it’s seasonal allergies, sensitive skin, or it simply seems to come out of nowhere, most dogs will occasionally experience some itchiness. Itchy skin is one of the most common issues that bring dogs to the vet’s office. If your dog has itchy skin, they’re not alone.

Consult your vet before starting any skin care regimen for your dog, and stop the treatment if your dog’s symptoms remain the same or worsen.